Moral distress in the healthcare workforce
NEAC’s letter to the Minister of Health raising concerns about the wellbeing of the health workforce, and the Ministers letter of response.
NEAC’s correspondence, advice, analysis, and recommendations to the Minister of Health.
NEAC’s letter to the Minister of Health raising concerns about the wellbeing of the health workforce, and the Ministers letter of response.
NEAC’s letter to the Minister of Health raising concerns about the membership levels and timeliness of appointments for New Zealand’s Ethics Committees, and the Ministers letter of response.
NEAC's letter to the Associate Minister of Health on the issue of research with adult participants who cannot provide informed consent, and the related Health and Disability Commissioner report.
NEAC's letter to the Minister of Health raising concerns about the practice of mixed gender hospital accommodation in New Zealand, and the Minister's letter of response.
NEAC's letter to the Minister of Health raising concerns about membership-levels and timeliness of appointments to the HDECs, and the Minister's letter of response.
Advice to the Associate Minister of Health on what people with dementia and their families need, what the wider community can do, and how the health and social support workforce needs to behave.
Advice to the Associate Minister of Health on compensation for treatment injury in clinical trials.
Advice on ethical issues relating to access to organ transplantation.
Advice on the ethical aspects of sharing identifiable health information with the Ministry of Social Development for use in the predictive risk modelling work to identify children at greatest risk of maltreatment.
Advice related to the Health Select Committee's ‘Inquiry into Improving New Zealand’s Environment to Support Innovation through Clinical Trials’.