Māori Research Ethics: An overview

Āhuatanga ū ki te tika me te pono mō te Rangahau Māori
Māori Research Ethics: An overview summarises writings on and issues for Māori research ethics, with a particular focus on health and disability research. The te reo title is Āhuatanga ū ki te tika me te pono mō te Rangahau Māori, which translates to the conditions or aspects that keep people or one true, honest and ethical.
This document was prepared by Dr Polly Atatoa-Carr, Mr Maui Hudson, Dr Te Kani Kingi and Associate Professor Andrew Moore as a resource document to assist in the development of Te Ara Tika: Guidelines for Maori Research Ethics: A framework for researchers and ethics committee members(external link).
While the information contained in this document will be of broad interest, it will be of particular value to researchers and members of ethics committees. To this end, this resource is intended to assist those working in research to:
- facilitate research with a positive outcome for Māori
- improve research quality and support excellence in research
- assist communities to advance Māori health development through research
- provide practical assistance, coordination and support for Māori health and disability researchers, research institutions and others involved in health and disability research with Māori.